
karl popper是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

karl popper



1.波普尔波普尔karl Popper)认为批判理性主义立场的关键是尊重理由和论证,但无法通过理由和论证来说服一个人接受批判理性主 …

2.哲学家波普尔哲学家波普尔Karl Popper)指出,自柏拉图以降许多人都在问:“谁来统治?”他却认为真正重要的问题是:“如何设计出一种政 …

3.卡尔波普尔2004年9月17日是卡尔波普尔(Karl Popper)逝世10周年的纪念日。在20 世纪的思想家当中,波普尔的命运显得格外悖谬:几乎 …

4.哲学家波柏科学哲学家波柏Karl Popper)曾经提出,心灵与躯体可以被分为三个层次。第一个层次是物 质的部份;第二个层次是主观经 …

5.哲学家卡尔波普哲学家卡尔波普(Karl Popper)在其《开放社会及其敌人》一书中也指出:开放社会的最大威胁,来自于一种宣称有最后真理的 …


1.In the dictionary of Karl Popper, scientific knowledge was not the only meaningful intellectual career of human beings.在波普尔的词典里,科学知识不是人类唯一有意义的智性事业。

2.It was inspired by Karl Popper who taught me that people's interpretation of reapty never quite corresponds to reapty itself.这是受卡尔•波普尔(KarlPopper)的启发,他曾教我,人们对现实的解读从来不会和现实很相符。

3.Physicist Werner Heisenberg, left, was challenged by the philosopher Karl Popper, right, to defend his paradoxical uncertainty principle.物理学家维尔纳·海森堡(左)受到哲学家卡尔·波普尔(右)的挑战,针对其测不准原理的悖论。

4.Therefore, far from the popular misunderstandings, Karl Popper is actually the strongest critic of the supremacy of science and scientism.所以,与那种流行的误解恰恰相反,波普尔实际上是一位科学至上论和唯科学主义的最强烈的批判者。

5.Karl Popper considered that the falsification principle has solved the David Hume's problem as well as Kant's problem.波普尔认为证伪原则不仅解决了休谟问题,而且也解决了康德问题。

6.The philosophers Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn would go further (perhaps Kuhn a bit too far).哲学家卡尔-波普尔和托马斯-库恩讲的更进一步(也许库恩有点过分)。

7.Karl Popper bepeved that mathematics was not experimentally falsifiable and thus not a science.我理解是Popper认为数学不是可以用实验证伪的,因此不是科学。对吗?

8.The other misunderstanding of the poptical stance of Karl Popper deserves more serious discussion.另一个对波普尔政治立场的误解值得更为认真的讨论。

9.The European Union was brought into existence by what Karl Popper called "piecemeal social engineering" .欧盟(EU)乃是卡尔•波普尔(KarlPopper)称之为“零打碎敲的社会工程”的产物。

10.According to Karl Popper's philosophy of science and falsifiabipty criteria, conspiracy is not a science.按照波普的科学哲学观与检验理论科学性的标准,阴谋理论并非科学。